Argonne National Laboratory

The Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM) hosts biweekly colloquia that provide a forum for topical multidisciplinary talks in areas of interest to the CNM and that offer a mechanism for fostering interactions with potential facility users.

When: Alternate Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m.

Where: Argonne National Laboratory, Colloquiums present in 2 formats, VIRTUAL via Zoom and HYBRID (in-person (Building 440, Room A105/106) and Zoom. See Agenda for information.

Colloquium Committee Members: Xiao-Min Lin (Chair), Pierre Darancet, Ralu Divan, Xuedan Ma, Elena Rozhkova, Jianguo Wen

2025 Schedule

Date Title
Apr 23, 2025Martin Burke, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Host: Jie Xu.440 - A105/106, 11:00am. Hybrid
May 21, 2025Steve Whitelam , Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Host: Pierre Darancet.440 - A105/106, 11:00am. Hybrid
Jun 04, 2025Ki Tae Nam , Seoul National University, Host: Gary Wiederrecht.440 - A105/106, 11:00am. Hybrid
Jun 18, 2025Peter Q. Liu, University of Buffalo, Host: Xuedan Ma & Ralu Divan.440 - A105/106, 11:00am. Hybrid
Jul 02, 2025440 - A105/106, 11:00am. Hybrid
Jul 16, 2025Jun Xiao , Univ. Wisconsin - Madison, Host: Rui Liu.440 - A105/106, 11:00am. Hybrid
Jul 30, 2025Feliciano Giustino, UT Austin, Host: Pierre Darancet.440 - A105/106, 11:00am. Hybrid

Recent Colloquia

Date Title
Mar 05, 2025Colloidal quantum dot and perovskite optoelectronic materials devices: from infrared sensors to solar photovoltaics, Ted Sargent, Northwestern, Host: Elena Shevchenko (NST), Byeongdu Lee (APS).402 Auditorium, 2:00pm. Virtual Link Hybrid
Feb 26, 2025New Dimensions on the Interaction of Light and Matter: Quantum Materials, Quantum Light and Quantum Control, Nathaniel P. Stern, Northwestern University, Host: Jeff Guest.Abstract440, A105/A106, 11:00 am. Virtual Link Hybrid
Feb 12, 2025Advancing Photonic Materials through Moiré Patterns, Xiaoqin Elaine Li, University of Texas-Austin, Host: Muchuan Hua and Benjamin Diroll.Abstract440, A105/A106, 11:00 am. Virtual Link Hybrid
Jan 29, 2025The Chemistry and Organization of Boron Nitride Nanotubes, Angel Marti, Rice University, Host: Elena Shevchenko.Abstract440, A105/A106, 11:00 am. Virtual Link Hybrid
Jan 15, 2025POSTPONED, Ayman Karim, Virginia Tech, Host: Gengnan Li.Abstract440 - A105/106, 11:00am. Virtual Link Hybrid
Dec 18, 2024Tracking and making use of heat in two-dimensional metal halide perovskites, Peijun Guo, Yale University, Host: Pierre Darancet.Abstract440, A105/A106, 11:00 am. Virtual Link Hybrid
Dec 06, 2024Nondestructive Direct Optical Lithography and Controlled Synthesis of Colloidal Luminescent Nanocrystals for Augmented Reality Displays, Himchan Cho, KAIST, Host: Richard Schaller.Abstract440 - A105/106, 11:00am. Virtual Link Hybrid
Nov 20, 2024Happy Ending to a 50-year-old Mystery: Scientific Breakthroughs of α″-Fe16N2 Leading to Environmentally-Friendly Permanent Magnet and Discovery of a New Soft Magnetic Material - Minnealloy α″-Fe16(NC)2 , Jing Ping Wang, University of Minnesota, Host: Tom Gage.Abstract, 11:00am. Virtual Link
Nov 06, 2024Understanding the Nature and Dynamics of Localized Excitons from First Principles, Sahar Sharifzadeh, Boston University, Host: Pierre Darancet.Abstract440 - A105/106, 11:00am. Virtual Link Hybrid
Oct 23, 2024Self-Driving Labs for Polymer Research across Scales, Keith Brown, Boston University, Host: Jie Xu.Abstract, 440 - A105/106, 11:00 am. Virtual Link Hybrid
Oct 09, 2024In the realm of ultra-thin sheets: where geometry explains novel shapes, Prof. Thomas Witten , University of Chicago , Host: Xiao-Min Lin.Abstract440 - A105/106, 11:00am. Virtual Link Hybrid
Sep 25, 2024
Sep 11, 2024Seeking Bioinspiration at the CNM with Peptide Materails, Chris Fry, Argonne National Laboratory, Host: Elena Rozhkova and Richard Schaller.440, A105/A106, 11:00 am. Virtual Link Hybrid