How to Register to Become a CNM User
Gather all the information you’ll need. Once you begin the registration process, it must be completed in full. (There is no save option.)
It may take two business days to process your registration. This must be completed before you can advance in the process of becoming a CNM user.
All potential users should prepare:

Potential users include (U.S. and non-U.S. citizens).
A brief statement describing the purpose of your proposed visit, your anticipated date of arrival or remote access of Argonne facilities, and your emergency contact’s information (e.g., name, relationship, address, phone number and email address).
You’ll also need to indicate whether your research is intended for proprietary (privately owned) or non-proprietary means (published in the public domain). Details about proprietary research are available here .
If you’ve worked at Argonne National Laboratory in the past, please have your badge number ready, as well as the date range you worked here.
For Non-U.S. Citizens

Additional information non-U.S. citizens should have prepared:
- Have your U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) documents ready (e.g., passport, visa, LPR card, AND in-status documents such as DS-2019, I-20, I-797) or proof of passport or visa applications. Numbers and expiration dates for in-status USCIS documents are required. Proof of visa applications are required if in-status documents have expired. Department of Energy policy also requires a CV/resume; minimum requirements include educational and employment history.
- As a followup to the online registration process, please expect an email from the Argonne Advanced Photon Source (APS) registration office, asking you to upload copies of your USCIS documents.
Complete your online registration
New Argonne Users

All new Argonne facility users must register online. Go to the User Registration Portal and select the "New User" option and fill out all required fields. You will be issued an ID/badge number that must be used for the proposal submission process. During peak times, allow one to two business days to acquire this number.
Current & Former CNM Users

If you are a current CNM user and have an active registration, please continue to the CNM Proposal Submission Portal. If you are a current CNM user and need to update or extend your active registration (e.g. it is expiring in less than 3 months, your employer has changed, your emergency contact is different), please log in to the User Registration Portal and select the “My CNM Portal” option to register as a returning user.
If you are a former CNM user, contact the CNM User Office to verify your registration status. If it is expired, log in to the User Registration Portal and select the “New User” option to update your registration. Include your badge number if possible so that your new information can be linked to your previous registration.
APS-only Users

If you are an APS-only user (current or former APS user), log in to the User Registration Portal. Select the “My CNM Portal” option. Check the Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM) box, and complete/update all registration fields.